Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All about ferret?

I would like to learn some stuff about them. Could you please tell me about their lifestyle and their needs?
Ok, so I could write a book about this, but instead I am going to direct you to a site that has a lot of good information and give you a little taste here. The site is
Ferrets are a unique pet. They are high maintenance and can get quite expensive. They typically live to 5-6yrs, but have been known to live up to 12yrs (this is very rare to see a ferret live this long).
Ferrets are prone to multiple different diseases, some of which are treatable and some of which are not. This is where things can get really bills. Most ferrets by the age of 3 will require vet care for some illness.
Ferrets are extremely playful and full of energy. They are NOT caged pets, but are caged for their safety. They need at least 4 hours a day for social time outside their cage.
Ferrets are very sneaky and can get into almost anything. With proper "ferret-proofing" you can minimize dangers to your ferret.
Ferrets DO NOT smell bad if they are cared for properly. This means cleaning their bedding and cage regularly.
Check out for more info on ferrets. You can e-mail me if you would like more sites to check out..I have tons of them.
they require alot of upkeep or they will start to smell realllly bad
they are very hyper, and playfull. they get along wiht cats well. they stink really bad. they like to chew on everything, and hide in very strange places. they need a pretty big cage to keep them in, with multi levels and toy, beacuse they are so playful
they bite. one time in a pet store i had my cell phone in my hand over the cage and one bit my thumb and I dropped my cell and they all started attacking it. hehe
Ferrets are precious! They are great pets! They only stink if you don't take care of them.
You should get at least two, so when your not around they have somebody to play with. There very needy and need LOTS of attention that you must be willing to give.
Most need to be potty trained, so be ready with a bag of treats to teach them not to pee on your favorite chair. [[:
You may have to test what they like to eat with a variety of foods. They all have different tastes, like humans.
They like toys! Get them lots of toys to play with, like balls and such.
Get them a bed, like you would for a normal person. My friends ferrets LOVE hammocks. You just hang them inside of the cage. They also have mini-ferret beds for them.
Make sure the cage is big and roomy to move around in and play, they need there space.
Good luck! [[:
i suggest you read wikipedia... its always got great info
i had to baby sit some ferrets once and i can tell you they are very curious things.. if you train them to use a litter box you can let them wander around your room sometimes but you ll still find some little surprises under your bed sometimes anyway if you have other rodents like hamsters or anything i suggest you keep a good eye on the ferrets cause they turn the little things into toys if they can get their paws on them and a lot of the times my hamsters wound up pretty dead .. :-/
they are verrryyy cute animals...and can be very hyper if you let them out to run around. mine didn't get along with my cat ...and kind of bugged my dog. they start to smell really bad, so you have to really keep up with them... i think they are only supposed to live about 7-9 years? mine lived to be way too old...and they usually develop tumors when they get that old..which mine did..and there's not much you can do about it. i miss her though, she was an awesome pet*
They make a great pet, I had two one time they played with the dogs and her toys. The do have a bit of a smell. Their hair has a bit of oil like on it. Over all they can be allot of fun. They enjoy laying in hammocks and sleeping too!
I owned a ferret for awhile, but I didn't have enough time to give him the care that he deserved. Ferrets require a lot of cleaning and attention. They do like to sleep a lot, but they also need personal attention from you or they will get depressed. They also need their nails clipped and ears cleaned at least once a week. They need to go to the vet just as much as a dog would and do cost some money (decent sized cage, food, shampoo, vet, ear solution, vitamins). They could live to be over 10 years old, also. So take that into consideration when getting one. Also, you must ferret-proof your home because they will get into ANYTHING! Any hole in your home as big as a ferrets head is big enough for it to go completely in, and they are very smart. Mine could open some doors. Ferrets also like games and toys and love to burrow through tunnels and find treats. They can be very lovable and playful, but they must be trained and get attention from people on a regular basis.
This website may have some more information:

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