Friday, July 31, 2009

Are hermit crabs insects or are they related to spiders ?

Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroidea , not closely related to true crabs.
Neither--they're crustaceans, like lobsters.
Hermit crabs are crustaceans and are related to shrimp, lobsters, and my aunt Matilda! They are neither insects nor arachnids. They are bogus little critters with no shell of their own so they borrow those of dead snails. As they grow, they will trade shells for bigger ones.
Hermit crabs are not insects but they are related to spiders and insects. They are all from the same Phylum, which is the class Arthropoda. From their they are classified in class. Hermit crabs are from the class Crustacea which also include lobsters and crabs. Spider are in the class Arachnida, and insects are in the class Insecta.
none- they are crusteceans and are related to crabs and stuff i think. if they aren't then they're related to octopuses and mollusks cuz of the shell.

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