Thursday, July 30, 2009

Answer this one?

how do we know that cats have 9 lives
we dont lol
throw 'em out of the window 8 times
its just something people say because they are always coming so close to death falling ,fighting,getting hit by traffic ect
they don't trust me
we dont know forsure i guess its just an old saying but then again maybe they do.
Because we are smart just like we know that people have 1.
we don't -know- we just say that because its a saying.
We KNOW that they don't have them!
try search this:

good luck
we dont KNOW they have nine lives, we KNOW that they dont, its just a old fashioned saying relating to how cats are able to some how survive situations that other animals or people couldnt. its just a raying to show how much they can cheat death
Just an expression people have used for decades because cats can do such reckless things and survive, kind of like teenagers!
I don't know it's just a saying probabely because there such good survivers.
They do not. Cats have amazing, sometimes seemingly supernatural agility. They escape disasters that other animals or even human would never survive. That's why we think they have nine lives.
it's just an old superstition
I wouldn't go trying to test out the theory if I were you lol - just an old wives tale
Cos yer Mammy always told ye this!
How do we know they don't ?
my cat nearly fell out of a top floor window. She escaped getting eatan by a big dog, she nearly got run over, She has just 6 lives left!
how do we know that they dont?

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