Friday, July 31, 2009

Are ginea pigs best alone or with another ginea pig?

and how often must u clean there cage
and what other things should they have to be happy
In captivity, guinea pigs live in situations that would normally not occur in the wild. If raised together, sows can easily live together their entire lives, and sometimes can be introduced to new sows (if the living space is large enough so everyone feels they have enough space). Often only boars that are introduced at a young age, or litter mates kept together, can comfortably live together. Some guinea pigs will be more comfortable with other guinea pigs than alone, and others will prefer to have their own space, so let the guinea pig determine the housing situation. Sometimes one pig will be bossy or aggressive toward other pigs, and though violent fights are not terribly common, injuries can occur. This can result in torn ears, cut lips, or bites that may fester, and are best avoided. If guinea pigs are introduced to each other, be certain to watch them carefully and have another cage ready in case they are aggressive toward each other. Generally, the larger the enclosure, the more comfortable your guinea pigs will be together.

for the cleaning part u should clean them often so they won't stink everything up
you should buy toys and treats for the guinea pig to make him/her happy

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