Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Animal cruelty!These bastards that do it!?

My daughter just showed me a clip on youtube of a pony with very neglected hooves.
The people who do this just get a fine and a ban on keeping animals, what would you do to them?
I would lock them in a grotty stable and leave them standing in their own mess for a few months! I know that is not going to happen, but it really upset me seeing that animal.
Horse owner
i work for the rspca and we try to bring all perpetrators to justice,the law changed in April 2006 and was enforced march 2007 ,that gives us greater power to step in before an animal is dying.
we have had a 90 percent success rate last year in prosecutions against people who inflict cruelty on animals and 20 percent were sentenced to spend time in prison.
when some one abuses an animal they don't think about what they are doing they take away an animals rights dignity,and well being.
because a animal cant talk back they think its OK to abuse them,because they are a lesser being,in my eyes an animal has equal rights.
if i had my way all perpetrators would have the same done to them as they did to a defenceless animal,we see horrific sights cats drowned in rivers,dogs with fireworks that have been tied to them ,that go off,half killing the animal or even killing it.
horses and ponies so starved they have to be put down,rats and hamsters flung out to fend for them selves in the wild.
we need government funding to help our society and then more action can be taken against these people who make animals lives hell.
prison is not good enough,they do time then get released,if we inflicted the pain on these people,then they would think twice about hurting another animal and would know how it feels to be tortured scared and in pain
I agree. Animal abuse in my mind is just as bad as child abuse. Animals and small children don't have the strength to protect themselves. It is up to the rest of us to protect them.
I have an animal sanctuary. Each animal comes to us with its own horror story. It really is horrible.
Personally, I feel that fines are not enough. People should be punished as if they were acting against another human.
Thank you for caring. We need more people like you and your daughter in the world.
I agree with you
people that abuse animals make me sick!
i agree :)
They are truely horrible people.
As above it is similar to child abuse!
I can see how some cases are down to ignorance, but the ones where the animals are so obviously suffering!
OMG it gets me angry to think about it.
I just hope the old adage of what goes around comes around!
You know I've been thinking about the movie "Powder" did you see it? the scene where the boy puts his hand and a dying deer that was shot and hold on to the hand of the man who shot the animal so the he could feel the pain and fear the animal was feeling?
I believe that every time someone abuses an animal she should feel in his or her own flesh the pain the fear and sadness the the animal is suffering so that they could understand what they are doing.
There is seriously something wrong with people who abuse animals, they are living things with feelings and no creature deserves to be treated so cruelly, there are so many horrible cases of neglect and abuse and it's happening every day. it should not be tolerated we need much tougher sentences
These heartless beasts will continue to treat animals as inferiors until the law realises that there are a lot of us out there that abhor this practise. Can't politicians see that the welfare of animals in general is a positive vote winner. Unfortunately it seems that a lot of those who disrespect animals are from the higher echelons of society - I am not saying that they are the cruel ones but they seem to be the cold ones and until those in power respect our fellow earth dwellers then we are fighting a losing battle.
Much bigger fines and long custodial sentences should be dealt out to the bas'tards - that at least would deter a lot of them; after all who wants to spend 5 years in prison just for the THRILL!!! of hurting our poor creatures.
Animal abuse is one subject where the punishment really needs to fit the crime...I read about a guy who killed a kitten on a barbecue and I wanted to be the first one in line to pull his shorts off and sit his bare *** right down on that hot grill and hold him while he screamed.
Does this make me a horrible person or the avenger? I can live with either one...
It always upsets me when I hear of cases like this and it's the main reason I support animal welfare groups like the RSPCA and Dog's Trust with monthly donations. I also never by a dog or cat but rescue them! I'd certainly like to see the same treatment handed out as they have inflicted on the poor animals who are far more 'Humane' than a great many of the 'human' race! Even prison is too soft and most of the fines are a joke. The money should not go into the Government coffers either it should be given to those who work tirelessly to bring those animals back to full health. Perhaps it is time we made the punishment fit the crime or does that make us as bad as those we are punishing? Know what, I don't really care, it might just make them realise what pain and suffering MEAN!!
Oh and like others I'd do the same to child abusers too!
I agree with auntie that one is as bad as the other.
It really makes my blood boil when I see some of the pictures of animal abuse.
We are supposed to be a nation of animal lovers, but how can these vicious scumbags say they love their animals.
there was a thing on our news a few days ago about a pony whose hooves were so long they had curled round , sorry but I'm crying here just remembering it , %26 that night a story where a couple got their friend to stitch up a wound on their dog after it had been knocked went septic but thankfully a neighbour reported it %26 the dog was taken away, happy ending the dog was able to be saved, but sadly so many cant.It breaks my heart. My home has always been like Dr Dolittles as I've always had pets,some of them because they were unwanted after the initial novelty wears off. My children have all left the nest now but I still have 3 hamsters, goldfish, a rabbit %26 a dog. I dont think there is a strong enough punishment for people who abuse animals or children
they deserve more they are animals themselves
Sometimes the cruelty is just ignorance. It never ceases to amaze me how many people take on the care of an animal about which they know nothing. Did anyone see last weeks episode of 'Its me or the Dog'? A lovely caring woman with a small dog which she though would replace her cat . She really did not know there was any difference between a small dog and a cat!
But as far as real cruelty is concerned, I find it disturbing that there are people living around us who have the mentality to inflict pain on any animal just for fun.
I never did enjoy the circus when I was a child, and when I read in later years what was done to some of the animals to make them perform, I was sorry I had ever been to one at all.
I agree with the other answers as far as punishment is concerned - let these abusers suffer the same pain.
i think the rule do unto others as they do to u ...the exact treatment that they give these poor defenseless animals should be given to them in return along with hefty jail sentences and be forbidden to ever work with or own animals again oh and a big fine which gets paid directly to animal charities

oh and i so agree with howldine!
Those sick bastards think they can get away with it just because it's an animal and not human. They should be locked up and banned from going near animals ever again.
it makes me so sad to think of all those poor animals in the world who are being neglected right now. i totally agree put those sick bastards through whatever pain they have put their animals through.
all my animals are rescued thats why it makes me angry when people keep breeding their animals, there are enough animals in the world that need love and a caring home without them adding to the numbers, i bet they dont think about all the animals that are being killed in the animal shelters because there is nobody to take them home. my dog was beaten and used to scavenge for food before i got her, i would love to get a hold of her previous owners and give them a taste of their own medicine ;o)
I watched one and i was about abused horses that were sold cheap in dirty old horse sales and then sold to the slaughter house for 3 times the origional value..then it went on to explain methods of taking the horses didnt show any and im thankful.
i totally agree.. ive seen something like this and i think the people that do it should go through that pain.. because the horse is a living things and its just heartless how anyone can do anything like that. it absolutly discusts me to see animals being abused in any way.
Or worse yet, the horrors of animals destined for food in soem places!
Or those who skin dogs alive (in China) just for fur! (Its TRUE, not PROPAGANDA-You should see Shaun Monson's The Earthlings)
I think anyone who commits an act of animal cruelty should be forced to recieve the same back! And sent to prison.
This includes any acts I commited as a child!
i HATE, with all my heart and mind, animal abusers. i am a firm animal lover, and it makes me sick to hear of and see on the internet/telly forms of animal abuse. the people that do it should get much more than a fine and a ban - perhaps even some form of 'abuse' for them as well, let them suffer what the animal they have abused has suffered.
talking of animal abuse, DO NOT eat at KFC. go to and watch the video. it is sick. and, horribly, true. PLEASE TELL OTHERS NOT TO EAT THERE - THE SUFFERING MUST END!
give me money to A animal trust or something this might help to stop or pray thats what i do i hope this helps
There are those types of animal negligence,but there was put through my letter box of leaflets sponsored by animal protection. The leaflets show pictures of hooded thugs executing dogs by hanging them.
i agree with you - it is sad
people get pets without realising the responsibilties - i think children should be taught from a young age and shown how hard it is - like they do with virtual babies !! it may prevent the next generations from doing this, but doubtful unfortunately.
recently a woman near me - who i wish i knew - dumped a box full of baby rabbits - luckily one was found and caught in my neighbours garden and as i have a rabbit of my own and love them im looking after it until i decide what ill do...cant understand why she bred her rabbit in the first place !!

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