Well, I have a BIG problem with spiders (aracnaphobia). I am terrified of them no matter how big or small they are. I dont want to live life being terrified of them, so what can I do? I have found a few in my room, even on my bed, that have kept me from sleeping. I found a huge one today in my room and my hand was shaking when i was trying to kill it. Even dead ones scare me. Is there anyway to come over my fear of spiders? I love animals so much and I hate to kill spiders when i see one, but since i cant walk right now (recovering from sugery) I cant run away from them. My only choice is killing them which i hate to do because it makes me feel terrible. Please help!
Don't feel bad about killing them. If a black widow bit you and you died, it wouldn't feel bad about it.
Get some good bug spray from your local hardware store, or Lowe's or Home Depot. Not the cheap $5 aresol can, but the $20 gallon jug with a hose and sprayer. Spray along the bottom of all the walls in the house, under and inside all cabinets. Around all windows, under all doors. Do this about every 4 months, and you will rarely see a bug, and when you do see one it will be dead.
apparently if u put conkers (from horse chesnut trees) in all corners of your room the spiders should leave...cant say if it definetly works. I have an ultrasonic bug scarer n have never seen a bug or spider since.
Hypnotherapy works wonders, it really does. You may be able to buy tapes for yourself online or you can have one made by a therapist in your area. I have been known to commit psycho acts where spiders are concerned, but have now trained myself to be pretty calm about most stuff except those little buggers who just drop down off the ceiling when I least expect it... working on it, but they're my nemesis.
go on a massive adventure into a deep dark cave
and find a massively large spider and proceed to have an epic battle with him (preferably with a sword)
if you win you'll never be afraid again, if you lose you'll be dead..so you wont be scared then either
good luck!
Wow . . .
Sounds like you feel really bad about this. I suggest you read up on spiders. Learning about their place in society is the best way to get over your fear of them.
Good luck!
your not wierd b/c im also terrified of spiders to my ears even ring when i see one they scare me to death and i dont even know why there soo small!
You are not weird. Many people have problems with animals, especially spiders. While I am not too fond of them, I try to get them out of the house without killing them. I love to watch them make their webs outside. It's so intricate. Have you tried hypnotherapy for this? That might help. At least it would desensitize you. No, I don't want one as a pet.
Is someone with you while you are recovering from surgery? Have that person sweep the ceiling and walls for spiders.
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