Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aggresive Shih Tzu?

Ok so I have this Shih Tzu named Puffy who is so cute! But She bites me sister's fingers. I tell her no and she leaves them alone but when I turn around she starts biting them again. Not only does she bite a lot but she also barks like crazy. She barks all day and all night. We used to be really nice to her when we barely got her, she sleeped in my room we played with her whenever she pleased we pampered her like crazy but then she became aggresive and now she finds herself sleeping in the bathroom and isn't allowed to get out except for when she has to poop or eat and we only play with her outside after she poops for like 30 minutes. Are we punishing her too harshly? Am I being too mean to her for biting and hurting my sisters? Should I get her a trainer?
You should not punish her. It is truly not her fault. It is simply the way you raised her. Pampering is not always a good thing. She wants attention all the time and to show her anger she bites and barks to get attention. In order for her to change, so do you. Start off with letting her out of the bathroom.
Your dog is barking because you trained her to do it. She speaks and you obey. "Woof" and you open the door to let puppy out. "Woof" and you open it again to let her in. "Woof" and she gets a treat, "woof" for a tummy-rub . . . you get the picture. She has learned to get attention through barking and does this because she is unhappy, bored or upset.. It is easy to fall into this trap because the very nature of barking gets your attention. For the same reason, it is easy to forget to praise and reward your dog when she is not barking.

To train her out of this habit do not yell. In the wild wolves howl as a community which makes the dog want to join in when you yell. You are going to teach her to stop by firmly saying, "quiet". When she starts to bark, hold up a treat under her nose. She will stop and try to eat the treat. Move it away and say, "quiet". She will be watching the treat. If she stops barking give her the treat and praise her. She will most likely start barking again but with practice she will understand that she will only get treats if she is quiet.
To stop biting, throw the dog off. If you are on the couch and she jumps up and starts biting you, push her off and ignore her. She may keep trying keep jumping up but keep at it. If she jumps up and does not bite, praise her calmly but do not touch her. As soon as she tries to bite throw her off. If you are on the floor and she bites put her in her crate or bed. If she is trained to go to her bed then send her there like a time out. If she does not have basic training you should give that to her.
I would recomend getting a trainer becuase this can become difficult and frusterating to owners if these tatics don't work.
You need to be firm with her so she knows who's in control.I think you should get a trainer or take obediance classes cuz she shouldn't be biting your sister, it could get worse if it continues.
I think that the key is to not pamper the dog so much, and treat her like a dog. She probably thinks that she is superior to your sisters because you spoil her, and that is why she is biting them. If you start treating her like a dog, things will get better. Locking her up in the bathroom is probably not the greatest idea, as she may feel that you hate her and may start becoming aggresive because of that. The best thing to do is to let her out and walk around while you are at home but DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO HER! When she starts to act like you want her to, that is the time to reward her. Only encourage (aka: spoil her) when she is acting the way you want. Hope this helps!
you spoiled her and now she thinks she runs the place. you need to talk to a trainer who has some behavior experience. or you will end up with a nasty little dog.
I have a shih tzu. it is a male champion sire. he is 6 years old and let me tell you he has always been aggressive. he has never wanted to be pet by anyone or even sleep on a bed since he was 7 weeks old. i pampered him all the time took him everywhere he got happy meals on my way to work, just treated him like royalty. he wants to be around people but is very independent. i have read up on the breed and that is the way they are. very prissy. i even got him neutered thinking that he would be nicer. good luck

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