Saturday, May 22, 2010

British Giant Rabbits..&?

My Labrodore ... would this be a good mix..?
This Rabbit is HUGE ... ( 6 Kg ) and not full grown. My Lab is very calm and has never shown any aggrection to anything ( he wont even bark at the post man.. dam )
At 拢60,00 for this Rabbit i would like some advice .
We had a British Giant Rabbit (sadly she died of old age a couple of years ago) and we have a Lurcher/Border Collie dog and 5 cats. Our rabbit was an indoor rabbit and all the animals lived happily together. In fact, the rabbit used to chase the cats when she was feeling playful.
I fully believe that dogs and cats behave according to how they are integrated into the family. Our dog will accept anything (even Russian Dwarf Hamsters) and can be left among them knowing she would not harm them. She has a wonderful temperament and it sounds like your dog has too.
The best thing you can do is to introduce them slowly and keep a watchful eye on how things are going. Your dog sounds like ours so I don't think you will have much problem.
Good Luck with your British Giant. They make wonderful pets. Ours used to sit beside me and watch TV. I miss her dreadfully.
Yes they are big, but however, even though your dog doesn't show signs of aggression, dogs have a NATURAL instinct to chase, attack, and eat rabbits. The lab is bigger than the rabbit. The rabbit will be extremely stressed out and may die of fright from encountering a dog and even the smell frightens it. Please try not making a predator and prey become friends. In no way will they do that. Cats will rarely befriend rabbits, but dogs, a step away from no. Rarely rarely do they become companions. To the third answerer, it only applies to your dog, every is different and it won't help others if they introduce slowly as they'll stalk and try to eat it. (Most anyways) You're darn lucky to have a dog like that. xD
You have to bare in mind your Lab is a hunting dog, I breed Continental Giants, also British Giants I also have a Giant French Lop who comes when I call her. Also I have a Golden Retriever and a Border Terrier, I wouldn't put them together
David S

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