Saturday, May 22, 2010

Best Pet For a 6 year old!!?

My daughter really wants a pet! but i dont want to do all the work
these things to consiter
-have an old dog
- no cats
-no fish
- she wants a turtle but we dont no if that will take a lot of work
- we dont want to spend alot of $$
please help us!
Hamsters are nice, caring pets for young kids, but they do need much care. Guinea pigs, for example, need less, so you could go something like that. They're also mice and rats, but those can get a little, "EW!" if you know what I mean... Hermit Crabs are good. They're in sand, sleeping in their little hideaway cove pretty much all day, but you need good room temperature for them. Turtles, too. They mostly walk around all day. Or you could buy a tarantula. They have no sound and no noise, but most people (like me) will freak out when you see one.
a dog will cost a lot of $$ so buy a turtle there not much but i think a cat even though u can get it cats tend not to be a lot of $$$ and work they clean them selfs and use a litter box
How about a guinea pig?
they are GREAT pets and on a scale of 1-5 of difficulty they are a 2
all they need is a hiding place, food, water, bedding, and a large cage.
you can pick them up and let them out of their cage, they wont run away.
good luck!!
get her a turtle not alot of work easy to take of
Fish are probably the easiest pet for a 6 year old to help take care of. They require very little day to day care, just feeding. You will have to clean their bowl/aquarium occasionally (check with the pet store about how often) but they are really low maintenance pets. Also, if one dies, they are very easy to replace without your daughter knowing, so you can avoid that whole death conversation until she's older. Don't get a puppy! I love mine to death, but he is a lot of work, much more work than a 6 year old can handle.
honestly i would say none , course animals are no toys and think you will have the work not you daughter .
Wait till she is older so she can be responsible for it by her self .
Turtles probably don't take much work, but I think she will tire of it in a week. They don't interact with people.
If you are willing to oversee the care, I'd suggest a hamster.
I wouldn't really recommend a turtle. My friend has one, and each time you hold it you HAVE to wash your hands right after. And, it's not really that fun to hold anyway, so I don't see how it would make a very good pet.
What I would recommend is a hamster. They're really inexpensive, and they're SO much fun to have! I got my first one when I was about... Nine? Eight? Haha, I don't really remember. But, I loved that thing to death, and it lived to be 2.5 years old (The average age a hamster lives to is 2). And holding it was very fun.
Turtles are not a lot of $$, but the only thing you have to do is feed and clean its buisness up and it stinks fast.
how about a bird
here is a test to see if you want to get a turtle
you could adopt an adult dog
I recommend getting a hamster for her.They are really easy to take care of and they are really cute.They are great with everyone and get to know you very quick.I think it is a great experience for her age to take care of her very own animal.I really think she will love it if you get one for her.Good luck and have fun with you new animal.Hope it goes well and you make a decision easily and enjoy yourself.I hope that my answer helps you.

-Michaela Jane
Not only is a turtle a little too much work for a 6 year old, they can also carry salmonella, and you would spend too much time and energy telling her to wash her hands before and after touching it. Why cant she have a fish ? They are low maintenance, all you have to do is feed it and sometimes change the water. Do not get a hampster, frog, rabbit, dog, or cat. They are all too much work for a 6 year old, and most of them cost too much too. I have had my rabbit for about 6 months, and have spent around $350 on it already. Hope this helps.
a set up for a turtle is very expensive if it gets sick a specialist vet is hard to find and very expensive.
They definately not a good pet for a 6 year old
I would suggest getting her a guinea pig or even a rabbit. they don't take a lot of work. Maybe once or less a week they need their little cages to be cleaned out. And that would give her a sense of responsibility and will make your daughter feel like she is taking care of the animal on her own when she cleans out the cage. A turtle would also be a very good idea, but you have to be careful with handling turtles because most of them will bite when they feel like they are in danger or being harmed. Go to your local pet shop and ask about low priced animals and low priced items needed to care for that animal.
Best of luck!!!!
if you are considering getting a turtle, be sure to do research on it, as there are many types. i grew up having Red Eared Sliders and started keeping them as pets when i was around 6 or 7 years old. just be sure to monitor her while she's holding them so that she doesn't jump if they startle her, causing her to drop them. when i had my turtles, though, i lived in Japan, where it was perfectly legal. upon moving back to the United States, i realized that many states don't allow residents to keep them as pets, due to the risk of salmonella. so, be sure to make sure you know all of the regulations of your area before you buy one as a pet! hope i helped! =]

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