Saturday, May 22, 2010

Blue Heeler Ate A Betta?

so i THOUGHT my blue heeler was diciplined enough to be left alone for about an hour while i did some running around in town. when i got back, he'd torn up my room and ate my betta fish. i know these dogs are energetic and it's not his fault really, but i guess what i'm asking is will the fish harm him or his system?
Oh..that poor fish! I would say your Heeler will be fine. But the fish...well thats another story! If in the future you get more fish..I suggest you "Heeler" proof their tank! LOL But him tearing up your may want to address that situation..left alone, it could become a real problem. Perhaps a nice seafood dinner is all he wanted! :>)
i doubt it
my jack russel ate 5 bettas and shes still up and kickin
Not unless you had chemicals in the water and he drank a lot of the water. The betta won't hurt him. It's just a fish. Same as a human eating a trout. But in this case it's more like sushi.
If you try another fish, get a covered mini aquarium. But maybe you still need your crate. Your dog will be destructive until he's taught not to be. And he will be fine physically. How sad!

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