Saturday, May 22, 2010

Being a vet vs. the blood...?

What could I do to get over
my fear of seeing so much blood?
I get disgusted by human blood, but
with animals, it just makes me sad thinking
of how they were treated an what happened!
Ive been wanting to be a vet for as long as i can remember!
Im only in ninth grade.
If i do an operation or something, i might start shaking or something.
I dunno!
When you go to college they will train you to handle those types of things! No one is accustomed to operating on people or animals from the beginning they have to become educated and they get used to it! You can do it!
I plan on being a vet too and have some that of that same fear of blood. If you really cant handle it , try being a vet tech or vet assitant . Also when you start vet school they wont start you on surgery right then so you will soon become accustomed to it. But if after vet school you still cant handle it , start a pratice with another vet and have him do the surgeries you help or you just dont do surgeries.
I have the SAME EXACT PROBLEM! What im going to do probably is be an Assistant [%26lt;%26lt;sp?] Vet. They do most stuff regular vets do like give dogs shots, hold them, give the medicence etc. but they dont do anything with surgeries or anything related to that. Im so glad u care for pets as much as i do:)
Hoped i helped(:
You will get use to it. If not do something esle.
I am not good at giving shots. But have to do it sometimes.
If a friend is near that is better at it. I will have them to it.
as with doctors, you would soon adapt to the sights and smells that go with the profession.
the more difficult aspect to consider, is if you have to put an animal down, are you capable of killing an animal even if out of mercy and dealing with the emotions involved for such actions on a daily basis (yours and the pets owners).
well, i really want to be a vet too. and i HAtE blood. but im still gonna try and be a vet + get over my fears. you should too. =]
I had always wanted to be a vet and feared the same problem. What I did was called my vet and I asked him if I could observe a few simple surgeries such as spay/neuter. The first day I couldn't watch too much, but the end of the week I knew I was going to specialize in surgery. You actually learn how to put the dog's health above your own quizzy stomach.
Some ideas: Volunteer at a shelter. That way you'll have applicable experience without dealing with your fears yet. Then, when you are old enough to get a steady job, start work at a vet. Even if you start working on the front desk, you're around the animals and can be cross-trained. Some observation and cross-training will let you adjust slowly and decided if you really have what it takes. Vet assistants and techs still have to draw blood, deal with injuries, surgery help, aftercare, etc, so you probably don't want to jump in there. Also, most vets want experienced and/or certified techs. Working the front, you can observe a blood draw. You can hold the vein for the vet tech. Stuff like that. Hopefully, you'll be able to adjust. If not, there are other ways to help animals, like working the adoption/management side of a shelter instead of the vet side. Personally, I've worked for vets and shelters, and I don't have a problem with blood, but I could never be a full-time kennel worker! Seems silly, because you're supposed to adjust to that, too, but I never have (not enough to work in the field, anyway)!
For everyone who says dont be a vet be a tech if you don't like blood- I'm a tech and I see blood EVERY DAY! I work emergency, and if you work where I do you see surgeries, injuries, blood draws, wounds, etc. You do see blood of you're a tech, and don't think you dont get it all over your hands! In school you see the nastiest things as well, but you get used to it, and you realize that the procedures are not meant to be cruel, but to help them. That helps you deal with it.

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