Saturday, May 22, 2010

Best way to tell a 6 year old that his pet has died?

I'd be perfectly honest, like I was back when my 6 year old son's guinea pig died. My son wasn't a stranger to the concept of death at that age (no, I'm not being morbid) and while he was sad, it didn't last very long (a day, maybe?). We of course offered to get another one, but you know what? He wanted something else and that's the way we went. No harm done, life lesson absorbed.
Explain to him that he went to heaven.
"He's in a better place now" type of thing. Be soft, and take it slow. If he starts to cry, tell him its all right and take him to the pet store to get a new pet. That will make him feel better.
Don't tell him he went on vacation or ran away! He will look and ask every day for a while.
Sorry about the pet though. :(
hmmm, my 6 1/2 year old sister just gets told they died...I do not know how to tell it any other way except that they passed away. Sorry I can't be of much help.
Show your 6 year old the pets dead carcass. Simple.
Take the child, sit on the bed, and explain that his/her pet has died. This is a good time for a child to learn all things live and die. Let him/her know it's ok to be sad. The worst thing you can do is immediately replace the deceased pet.
Its probably a bad idea, but when my step daughter was 5 and her hermit crab died...we told her that he was sick and had to go to the vets to live because we couldnt take care of it.
I know its bad to lie, but she is Ultra sensitive.

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