Sunday, August 2, 2009

As a Minister a Fair Charge?

If a Minister Charges 150.00 to perform a wedding, what would be a fair charge to perform pet funeral services.
No I am not a minister. This is for a friend of mine.
I say since its not a human but a pet and so many people (millions) love their pets ( all kind of pets like mice,horses,snakes, ect. even bugs!! that they should pay and like other person here Half,$75.00 and believe it or not lots of people would want a small coffin! and that they would have to buy!
i am a minister and i know some charge for sevices but i never have felt good about it. if someone asks, i would say " a love offering of whatever you feel." i don't think i could bring myself to accept even a love offering for a funeral. i would say make a donation to an animal charity.

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