Friday, May 8, 2009

A good debate topic pertaining to to the animal world?

like...something to debate on cruelty against animals...
How about dog fighting? It's being made more aware since that NFL player got caught. Pittbulls are nice dogs, if trained right and don't deserve this nasty cruel "sport". Too many beautiful dogs are killed or put to their death because some people think it';s entrtained to watch 2 dogs attack each other!
Maybe animal testing? It's been done before but it is constantly evolving; you just need to get the research done.
pet abuse
Vivasections. That is when they do experiement via surgery on animals while they are awake. It is as cruel as it sounds.
This would be some * HOT * material and some * EMOTIONAL* material.
I would pick a subject on which there is a SOLUTION and animal people can unite instead of fighting one another !
This means agreement, maybe not total agreement, and having a way a Bill or Act can be proposed and acted upon.

Personally, I would like to see our borders closed to imports of pets without a certification of health and a Microchip identification so the breeder can be traced. All these Mexican smuggled pets just really rile me.

I think ALL commericial, FOR profit kennels and repeat back-yard breeders that have :
either over 3 breeds (meaning 4) and
have more than 3 litters in 1 year...
Since there is a study about how often rabies needs to be given, the pups will have to go to carrying microchips. If the new owner has the new pet scanned in about 1 week's time, and buys one without a microchip, the pet must be returned to the breeder or have a verified chip mailed and implanted by the veterinarian.
1.) the breeders MUST be inspected by FDA, Agricultural Dept., or State inspector, etc., on surprise each year.
2.) they MUST have each cat, dog, and b*tch Photographed x 3 and DNA'd to prove parents of the pup if need be.
2 a. ) EACH pet MUST have a health certificate not more than 30 days old before the sale and EACH pet MUST have a microchip identifying the BREEDER and the BROKER.
3.) they MUST allow any registry such as AKC and UKC to inspect the kennels and the RECORDS yearly on surprise.
4.) If the registry they are using DOES NOT do inspection, the registry needs to give good reason as to why they refuse, and HIRE a representative from the State the commerical breeder is in.
5.) The commercial breeder, back-yard breeder, or Broker MUST take back the pet that is unwanted by the buyer, found in a shelter, or found in a rescue.
Evidence that this pet is NOT euthansized
-unless there are 2 veterinarians stating the health or behavior requires euthanasia -
MUST be presented to each inspector with photograph and microchip ID-
- along with information on any new home the pet is placed in.

Most ETHICAL and RESPONSIBLE breeders are going to do this anyway.
There is no way to Legally control or have the money to provide inspection on the person who irresponsibly allowed their female to be bred once.
Here's a page to get tons of info on cruelty.
This site has UNBELIEVABLE acts of cruelty that makes you question the "condition of mankind." Stories are resourced and followed:

and Here's a GOOD discussion:
Are the animal protection laws and animal cruelty laws severe enough since humans committing animal cruelty have a strong propencity for committing human cruelty and murder?
Below is just the 'tip of the iceberg' in information.

On 22 February 2007, Phillip Matthysen, a South African man reportedly killed his Husky puppy after it instinctively bit out at his parrot and killed it (, 19 June 2007). It was reported that along with an accomplice, he allegedly proceeded to hold the dog down and cut its head off with a chainsaw. Often, people committing similar hideous acts stand to walk free with little or no consequences - this site exists to help gather support to stop this from happening!
The link between animal abuse and human violence
The following are links with more information about how animal abuse is linked to human violence:
An article written by a Husky Justice contributor me=nr_fact_sheets_link

Husky Justice
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Mahatma Ghandi.
The link between animal abuse and human violence
Countless research studies have proven that someone who harms and animal will inevitably harm a human being at some stage too. In fact,
"A survey of pet-owning families with substantiated child abuse and neglect found that animals were abused in 88% of homes where child physical abuse was present".
This quote is taken from the American Humane Society website:
http://www.americanhumane. org/site/PageServer?pagena me=nr_fact_sheets_link
In addition, the majority of serial killers/criminal sociopaths first abused animals in the most gruesome manner before moving on to human beings. That is part of the reason why, in the US, animal cruelty is considered a serious offence and recognised as a felony, which means jail time if convicted. For more info, see: m/PAGES/writes/editorial/f eatures/link/randour_link. html

The American FBI analyzed the lives of serial killers and discovered that virtually all of them, as children and teens, had killed or tortured animals.
Other research indicates consistent patterns of animal cruelty among perpetrators of wife abuse, child abuse and elder abuse.
Maltreatment of pets is often another way that abusers exert control over their victims.
Abusers may harm – or threaten to harm – an animal in order to intimidate, re-affirm their position of power in the household, or keep their partners from leaving.
By: Novavita, a Canadian group for the prevention of domestic violence. (
Most animal murders will not commit sensational murders, but they have already taken a step on the path of violence.
Ground-breaking studies by psychiatrist Alan Felthous and others, indicate that many criminals that have been violent toward people share a common history of brutal parental punishment and cruelty to animals.
Yet, even today, it is not unusual to find school and judicial systems in which animal abuse is not taken seriously.
This is especially disturbing since animal abuse not only can portend the potential for violence against humans, but it also maybe an indication of a family in trouble now. Research bears this out.
Recently, Deviney, Dickert, and Lockwood studied 57 families being treated by New Jersey's Division of Youth and Family Services for incidents of child abuse.
In 88 percent of these families, animals in the home had also been abused, usually by the parent.
These findings are consistent with those of James Hutton who reviewed the animal cruelty reports for one community in England.
Of the 23 families with a history of animal abuse, 83 percent had been identified by human social service agencies as having children at risk of abuse or neglect.
By: Valley Oaks SPCA (

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