Friday, May 8, 2009

Advice about animal cruelty please?

My next door neighbour leaves her dog in the garden all day and night. It cries constantly and she never walks it (it's a greyhound)
The noise is really upsetting as I am an animal lover
I recently moved to the area, so any complaints I make will come straight back on me. How can I save this poor creature? :-( without starting a neighbour war)
I had the same problem! My neighbor left 2 dogs out in all weather and never took them in.
I finally called the SPCA because the animals were miserable.
The other thing you could do is to go and talk to your neighbors. This will be hard, but maybe by educating them about poor treatment, they will do a better job. They may not. But then when you call the SPCA it won't be a surprise.
ALSO I would try and talk with some of your other neighbors about this problem. That way other people will be involved as well and it won't just be you.
Good luck!
Call in confidence without leaving your details. Ask them not to tell who called.
the rspca is confidental, you can even do it online, your neighbour will never know it was you.
what's more important, the dog or an argument?
Contact the RSPCA and ask them to investigate. They are very good and thorough.
Ring your council and have a word with them or try the RSPCA
Tell the rspca that she might be in iltreating it or go round her house and ask her why she does that.
Call the SPCA and ask to remain anonymous. The dog needs love. Hopefully a visit from the SPCA will knock some sense into your neighbor.
Please try to speak to the neighbour - explain how upsettng it is to you in a friendly way. If it does not stop you must contact the RSPCA. This sort of cruelty is unacceptable.
Just call the ascpa, or the local greyhound group. See if you can do it anonomously, they may understand.
unless its going without food or water there's nothing really u can do. If it's being starved then ring your local RSPCA and ask them to investigate. All calls are confidential.
Just call your local Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Call the RSPCA or animal welfare. Does it really matter that much if your neighbour gets angry? This is about the dog, not you.
Think of the poor dog and make the call to the RSPCA
Most greyhounds these days are rescued, so if you call your local greyhound rescue group they will investigate and find out where she got it. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that if the original group finds out how she's neglecting it, they'll take it back immediately.
PS: how will she know it's you? If the dog is crying, any of your neighbors who are not deaf could have made the call.
as most other people have said, call the rspca and remain anonymous...
...get some of your other neighbours to phone in as well or ask them if they have any can mention them when you call..that way you won't feel like it is just you..
..hurry that poor animal is suffering
good luck and just think of the dog
Offer to walk it for her. explain "you've always liked greyhounds, %26 would love to learn more about the breed, %26 walking it would give you practice with owning the breed."
If she agrees, you have given the dog pleasure, %26 avoided having to report her.
You never know, when the owner realises how much quieter her life is for an hour or so, she might GIVE you the dog.
Fingers crossed for you %26 the dog. :-)
Just call the animal police, who cares what they think!!
Hold off on calliing someone, until you try talking to this lady.
Invite her over for a bite to eat or some coffee and explain a little about who you are, where you moved from, etc. Let her get to know you and see how friendly you are. Then, when you feel you've established a relationship, ask her about her dog (what its name is, where she got it from, etc.). Say that you've heard greyhounds are wonderful dogs and you know they have a lot of energy (which is true, since they are racing dogs!). Are you positive she never walks him? Or has a dogwalker come? If so, you have to hear it from her directly. Ask her what she does to let him get know, does she take him to the park? After you ask her, say something like, "I was just wondering because I always see him in the garden and was curious as to how he gets his exercise".
The point of the questions is to show you're interested in her life and the dog and are being friendly. not accusing her of neglecting it.
You could even go so far as to offer to walk her dog FOR her (maybe there's some reason why she doesn't walk it...I don't know, since I don't know anything about the lady, but there could be a reason behind it, medical maybe, like is she old? Can't walk well? Etc...not making excuses for her, just trying to get to the bottom of it). If you're not busy during the day, or if you have some free time, and would be willing to do this, tell her that you wouldn't mind taking him for a quick (or long) stroll around town, if she will allow it.
If after all is said and done, she doesn't seem interested in your offer and you have other proof she's a bad owner, then you can report it because you have good reason. But for right now, I think you need to root around a bit more and make sure she really is neglecting it. Believe me, when I hear things like that it makes me want to scream and get involved, but since you are new to the area, make sure you get ALL the facts right before you could potentially create drama.
Good luck, keep us updated...
EDIT: I was writing this before I could see Bunny posted similar advice about walking the dog, too. Just didn't want anyone to think I stole the ideas. :-)
Does the dog have shelter, is it tied up, does it have water and is it fed. Dose she take any notice of it at all.
Have you spoken to your other neighbours about the dog, what do they think, if they think the same then it would be less obvious who complained? Have you seen the dog鈥檚 owner, could talk to her?
Face it with weather we are having at the moment, how would you feel if one day you鈥檙e out in the pouring rain/hail/thunder and the next you鈥檙e in the boiling sun?
Do what you think is right, but I guess that would be report her if you think that she is not caring for her pet.
Sorry I could not of more help.
Apparently the neighborhood is used to the situation and condones it, so you are right to assume you would cause a war if you call in the calvary. However, there are a couple of constructive ways to approach this matter if you really love the dog, rather than just hating the neighbor. Offer to walk the dog yourself for free. In this way, the dog gets what it needs, you get some praise, and you win brownie points with the neighborhood, as well as chance to enjoy the better side of having a pet without all the expenses. More people will approach you in curiosity about the dog. You can say that you walk the dog because it is lonely and under-exercised, but never rag on about the dog's owner, as I promise it will backfire in a big way.
The other option is to get a dog of your own, and let your neighbor's dog play with yours all day. Greyhounds are very gentle and sociable, and if you want only one dog, this arrangement would be ideal for both you and your neighbor, more so in spades for the dogs, as all dogs, wild and domestic, are very social creatures. The sound of happy dogs yipping at each other is a whole lot tolerable than one lonely one wailing his or her butt off.
I own six dogs, all of which were dumped in the wilderness parks I was working at over the years. To keep the dogs, I moved to a very quiet and remote rural area. In time, more people moved in around me, and either they hated my dogs, or, they would not confine their own, no matter how dangerous the semi-feral animals were. You can bet I'm an animal lover too, and a former veterinarian to boot, but because yours truly and local animal control wisely stayed out of our neighborhood feuds, our neighborhood eventually learned to curb itself.
You cannot change the woman, and the dog cries because it is lonely and bored. Your choices are clear if you are a true animal lover and a sensible, compassionate, person. Get over the dog owner, help the dog. If this is not palatable, you would be better off to move elsewhere, as your neighbors have no intention of leaving or changing their ways... Don't ask me how I know this. I really do wish you the best, and I hope this has a resolution that makes everyone happy.
call animal cruelty and tell them whats going on and see what they could do.they could have it taken away and feed it and nerse it back to health.If there's anyway that u could feed the dog some food and water at night when she's not looking that would be great! and when NO ONE is home if u could possibly take it for a lil walk or just play with it for like 10 minutes! atleast until u can get someone to come out and take a look and nerse it back to health if in bad condition.Just please call cause i love animals also and people like that should be reported!
Please call. This is very serious and is a criminal offense. Who cares about 'wars' it could cause. What is more important. The dog or making friends?
By calling authorities you are doing the right thing and the poor dog will appreciate it. Please don't wait any longer and make a call that will change that poor dogs life.
It gets me so mad when people keep dogs outside on a chain for a long time. Why get a dog if your not going to play with it and give it attention. Oh my gosh it gets me so frustrated!
Good luck!
who cares about the neighbours just think about the poor dog. call the RSPCA just be friendly to the neighbours when you see them they wont know who made a complaint ;o)
Maybe you could stop by and introduce yourself...tell her you noticed her dog..and your a animal lover. Ask her if she wouldn't mind if you could walk her dog.
Maybe make a routine out of it when you have time. She might be going through a difficult time. Just nonchantly start a conversation and see where it leads. If it don't get any better, for the safety of her dog I would call the cops and explain the situation.
call someone immeadiatly!!!!!!
shelter friends (you know the magazine) call them do anything you can.
talk to your neighbour. she may not want the dog anymore and that why it is in the garden or there maybe another reason. you may even be able to help!
if this doesnt work the a call to the rspca it will have to be. there are new rules for pet owners now.
does the dog have a shelter? if not it needs one.
The neighbour is a hard, uncaring prat..... do you really want to be friendly with her?! Report her, and get help for the poor dog. Sod what the woman thinks, and don't be a wimp
You should contact your local humane society or SPCA. You might not even need to deal with the person because he or she might even be arrested and have to pay money. They should just leave you alone!
Take her bt of wine, introduce yourself and then mention the dog to her.

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