Friday, May 8, 2009

About the movie Flicka?

Ive heard alot of rumor from multiple people that a 3 or 4 horses were worked to death playing Flicka, it sounds like a stupid rumor, but does anyone kknow if this is true?
Years ago, movie standards regarding cruelty to animals were non-existant. Several 'big' movies that featured real animal deaths called this problem to light and the current standards were set in place. Some of these titles were:
Tom Horn- a horse is tripped into a full somersault while galloping and breaks its neck
Patton- a bridge is blown up and 2 mules fall over the side- the mules were shot and their bodies used for effect
Apocalypse Now- a water buffalo is hacked to death with a machete to illustrate a native ritual
Modern movies must pass the standards set by the ASPCA and the AHA. That's why you see so many horses used to play one role- they used 4 to play Cisco in Dances With Wolves. One of those horses is retired and lives at a tourist attraction called 1800's Town in South Dakota.
The Flicka incident was investigated and found to be 2 terrible accidents. The 'mis-step' by the one horse was kind of like the bad step that Barbaro took in the Preakness Stakes and was unforseeable. I suppose the people who allowed the leadline to trip the other horse were being negligent, but it was proven not to be intentional. I despise any form of animal cruelty for entertainment and do my own investigating when I hear about it, so I did look into this. But rest assured, the standards set for movies these days are SOOOOO much better than what used to happen.
Now, for laughs, check out this old and famous clip:
This is a trained 'falling horse.' Play it again and watch the rider cue the horse by tugging the rein. It's amazing what you can accomplish with animals when you train them properly and have a little consideration!
PS: "Blazing Saddles" (this movie) was given an A OK rating by the ASPCA. This movie features dozens of horses and not one was harmed. (Including this fellow that got 'punched out' LOL)
The most recent one?? I hope not! I loved that movie! If it was the originals I wouldn't really be surprised there was some pretty gruesome stuff in those.
I know there were multiple horses that played flicka through the movie...1 for riding 1 looked better etc. But I think just one was used in the death scene. And it was just a horse with makeup the horse wasn't really injured it was a movie all pretend. If they really hurt the horse you would have heard about it b/c Peta would be all over them!!
Here's the information I could find on it:
But you have to realize a lot of these people sensationalize what really happened in an attempt to provoke more response.
Here is another website that seems less... biased.. maybe:
FYI This is not regarding the horse(s) that PLAYED flicka. These were separate.. 'extras' so-to-speak.
And here's the conclusion from the AHA as well:
they havent hurt horses in movies since the 30's animal rights people wouldnt let them, usually at the end of a movie it will have a disclaimer stating that no horses were injured in the making of this movie,

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